Just thinking

One of the things that I struggle with in regard to this blog is how much to share.  I didn't set out to create a blog.  It just happened one morning when I was overwhelmed by God's faithfulness and it occured to me that blogging would be a public way to share my faith as well as the ups and downs of our life.  A few minutes of playing with a template and viola!  I had a some what boring-ish neat looking place to write!  I used to write all of the time and then somewhere along the way I stopped because I thought that I had nothing interesting to say.  I don't know that I have anything more interesting to say now than I did then, but I do have a story of our lives that God is unfolding daily and I want to preserve the memory.  It seems to me that there are a lot of things to consider in making a blog public, with privacy concerns being number one.  At the same time I am convicted that this is a skill and interest that God has given me and that if I don't share what He is doing in a public way I am essentially hiding my candle. 

I wonder how others have worked this through?  Ha ha - I do realize that I could find out the answer to that question if I made this blog public! 


The reason that I am out of bed at 4:30 in the morning is that I need relief from thinking.  I talked about change here and while I still have no idea where God is taking us I'm convinced that we will be changing directions in the near-ish future.  The truck driving man and I are continually praying for direction and in the words of TDM 'the path is becoming more straight every day.'  That's good news, except that the straight part of the path is only about one tenth of a mile and the winding part with all of the intersections is a whole lot longer!

I do have enough information today to know that one of our priorities before we go any further needs to be determining our true cost of living.  As long as we have been married I have struggled with this chore and have always given up because I get confused.  (It's hard being a melancholy!)  With TDM's business and my business there are certain expenses that are business related expenses that also benefit us personally.  So the dollar amount that I think we live on is actually a lot higher when I add in all of the things that both businesses pay for.  A good example is that the cost of our internet at home is paid by TDM's business so I don't include it in our personal monthly spending but if TDM's business ceased to exist we are still going to need internet so the cost would then become a part of our personal monthly spending.  There are quite a few expenses that occur in the course of a year that work in a similar way so taking all of those things into consideration is a challenge for me.

So, that's my chore in the next few days.  I'm going to spend a lot of time jotting down numbers, which will cause me to think about directions and possibilities, which will bring up a lot of what if questions, which will cause my head to spin, which will confuse me.  But I will prevail!


  1. Oh my word! I love this, and I love you my friend! Reading this has been an encouragement to me that I desperately needed. You never know who you are going to touch, or how! I miss YOU!!


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