Today's mail brought another letter from Mike Bloomberg. I'm not sure how our house landed on his mailing list because there is not a snowballs chance in Hawaii of anyone here voting for him but I figured I would write back to him. After all, handwritten letters are always something that I enjoy getting. I may or may not be itching for a fight today. 😂
Dear Mike,
Thank you for reaching out to our household with regard to the upcoming Presidential election.
I have to appreciate that it is your own money that you are using for your campaign. It is a pretty stand up thing to do and if it were required of every candidate it would certainly level the playing field. In fact, I would really love it if we could cap the spending that candidates can spend. Because sometimes it just feels like you folks are trying to buy the job. I do agree that special interest groups have run things for far too long.
Speaking of special interests - let's talk. Your website identifies several things that matter to you. I'm always curious to see what a fellow feels about things that matter. Gun safety is one of the topics that you identified. I am a huge believer - HUGE - in gun safety. I believe that everyone who feels comfortable operating a gun should have one tucked away in their purse, belt, vehicle or home. Just think of how safe we would be if the majority were able to defend themselves from attackers, thieves and big government? It would be amazing!
Climate change is another topic you mention. Mike. Let's be serious. The whole subject of climate change is fueled by special interest groups. You may not be taking their money for your campaign but you are using their talking points to get votes. Is there really any difference?
Being a woman I am all about those rights. (Get it? Like all about that bass?) Women's rights, human rights, babies rights. I'm on it. Every single person deserves dignity and respect. But something tells me that you aren't talking about the love others as yourself kind of rights but rather the sucking babies into a barrel kind. That's horribly sad. After all your mother saw enough value in you to let you be born. What a great thing she did! You went on to lead New York City in the days after the terrorist attacks and created nearly half a million jobs. Who would have done that if you hadn't been born?
Education is such a great thing Mike. I'm glad to see it on your website. Did you know that you can learn anything you need to know just by having the desire to do so? Well, in this day and age you only really have to ask Siri but you get the idea. I am so thankful that there are colleges to educate doctors and lawyers and researchers. I'm also thankful for apprenticeships and trade schools that teach people how to keep the power going, make telephones work and the house warm. Do you know that I am a business owner? It's true. Going on 23 years. You spoke of being a job creator? In 1997 two of us bought a fax machine and set up a phone line. How is that for small start up cost! And from that start up came two full time jobs until 2008 when our industry became a shadow of it's former self. We made cut backs and held on and I'm thrilled to tell you that every year is better than the one before. It was a solid home education that gave me the ability to chase my dreams and learn what I needed to know to run this business.
You might have noticed that I didn't say that it was my public school education that did the trick. I do have a public school background Mike, that's where I learned that milk sitting on a heater doesn't taste very good, that when the light goes off your head better be on your desk and that Mr Whitford didn't really appreciate a good Elmer's glue skin peel. I want to be clear that I have nothing against school teachers. Those folks are the hardest working folks I know. I could not do their job every single day. The things that the state and federal governments demand of them is insane and quite frankly, impossible. They deserve the best pair of noise cancelling headphones that money can buy.
What I am saying is that I'm glad that education is on your radar Mike. It's time for the responsibility for a child's education to return to it's roots. It's time for parents to be responsible for their child's education. I've read the Bible. I don't remember anyone other than Jesus going off to school alone. (Poor Joseph and Mary - they had to be a little freaked out don't you think?) Now I know what you are thinking - it is a lot to ask a parent to give up 35 hours of quiet time or free childcare a week. There are many days that I personally would love to have even two hours of silence, but that will come in time. But every single child is different - isn't that what the LGBTQXYZ folks have been saying? We all learn differently and at different times. Who better to customize education for a child than the people who have lived with them every single day of their lives?
I know that I've said a lot in these few pages, and my kids are rather anxious for dinner, but I did want to mention that your letter dated QR Code 134526 was a tad on the tacky side. (By the way, dates typically begin with the name of the Month followed by the day. You might need that for future reference.)
Me? I don't really care for Trump as a person but I think that he is definitely getting things done and I like a lot of the things. He has made some top notch decisions and I would like to see what four more years with him would look like. I did think about getting a Trump Chia Head for my brother last year for Christmas because I thought it would be funny but Rite Aid was out of them and I didn't really want to shell out cash for shipping. But that's about as far as you will see me insulting him. And really, is that an insult? Or is that a statue? C'mon. You see, like it or not, he IS the President of the United States of America. He is YOUR President Mike. Mine too. And I don't have to love him or have dinner with him, but I do have to respect the position that he holds as the leader of our Country. You should too Mike. If he wants to Tweet, let him. If you think he creates chaos, do yourself a favor and turn off your notifications. This is America!
Best wishes,
Mrs J.
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