I get distracted...

Friday morning I planned to clean the kitchen and run the vacuum.  I cleaned the kitchen, swept the floor, mopped, put a few puzzles together and read a few books with Miss E.  The big red truck and daddy came home, so we spent some time taking care of hugs and playing and being a family.  Somewhere around lunchtime I found myself cleaning out a kitchen cupboard, straightening it and purging dishes that we never use.  One cupboard led to another, which led to another, which ended up with me purging all of the cupboards in the kitchen.  It was a great feeling - but the vacuum didn't get run.  Oh, but we did manage to sell a car and pawn some dishes off on friends before the end of the day!

Saturday morning I planned to catch up laundry and run the vacuum.  Instead I spent time dream building, taking care of kids and taking a shower by.my.self..  (A rare thing, I assure you.)  Somewhere between nap time and dinner time I decided to take the box of Christmas things that have been sitting on the kitchen counter since Monday out to the garage to put them away.  Miss E came with me and entertained herself while I worked.  Then I realized that there was an odor in the garage.  It seemed to move with Miss E...  back to the house we went for a diaper change.  Several distractions later, we head back to the garage.  I get about two things put away and realize that my Smiley girl is inside crying.  Deciding that it must be time for her to be fed, we head back into the house.  Dinner was ready by the time she was done eating and then was time for baths and family time.

This morning I planned to clean the kitchen that didn't get cleaned last night before getting ready for church.  Instead Miss E woke up at 5:04 am and we attempted to have a family slumber party in the living room.  By the time it was light outside I had drifted back to sleep and been awakened 14 times and I no longer cared about the dishes.

This afternoon I planned to do some work at my desk - like digging through it to decide was needs to be dealt with this week.  I took a nap instead.

I'll recap:
  • The vacuum hasn't been run.
  • The kitchen looks identical to what it did before I cleaned it Friday morning.  (Sans a few dishes.)
  • The boxes of Christmas decorations are all over the garage
  • The laundry and desk area are untouched
We did spend a fair amount of time interacting together and we had lunch with friends today that included some awesome and encouraging conversation. 

Tomorrow morning I plan to...  Who am I kidding?  I'm just gonna get distracted!



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