I did it again

Lately my thoughts have been on the things that matter for eternity and how I can sift the things that don't out of my life.  Hobbies, activities, things...while they all may be 'good' things they may not be the most important things for me. 

Last week I set out on a mission to shave some money off of our grocery budget - and I succeeded - but not without a cost more valuable than money.  I took a lot of time away from our girls and more importantly I allowed couponing and price matching to become like a god to me - it completely overtook my thoughts and with my mind on that rather than my kids I found myself being cranky with them.  Not good.  It went one step further too - I allowed myself to think that it was up to me to save us money rather than relying on God to provide what we needed.

I'm a slow learner and it really took until Thursday night for me to piece together all of the wrong turns that I had made through the week, each of which took me further and further from my first Love.  Once I had realized how far off path I had drifted I asked God to help me get back on track in the coming days.

Fast forward to this morning...

I jumped to Facebook to catch up on everything that has happened in the last two minutes 12 hours and two of the blogs that I had liked last week in an effort to win a book about saving money had posts this morning that I couldn't resist clicking on, which led me to another click and another and another and before long I realized that over an hour had been sucked off the clock, my kids both needed attention and that 'it' - that overwhelming feeling that I could save us money was overtaking me again! 

I'm learning that this is one of those things that I just can't feed.  If I give it some water - or a click in this case - I'm not doing anything bad, but I'm doing something bad for me because I don't know where the line is to stop.  So, my game plan is to go back to what I have always known: 
  • God has our needs under control 
  • 'Free' usually comes with a price
  • Coupons only save me money when they are used to buy something that we need anyway
Duh Laura - God has this!  Quit doing His job!


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