How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time of course!

I realized while running an errand tonight that the eating an elephant concept can apply to our finances.

For quite a while I have struggled with the idea of staying home with my girls.  My thoughts have ranged all over the board from wondering what in the world I would do all day (I know the answer to that now!) to being concerned that we could never begin to bridge the gap if we didn't have my income each month.  Since Smiley Girl was born in October I have primarily been able to be at home with my girls - and after the original shock and awe of being at home with a newborn and a toddler every day I have realized that I love being home.  I love that I'm not constantly telling Miss E to hurry up because the babysitter is coming, or because I have to leave for work or because I'm too tired from a day at work to deal with my own child.  I love the way that she is relaxed and assured that I'm here and not going anywhere.  It's just been good - better than I ever could have imagined!

Between the realization that I love being at home and some of the changes that I see taking place in my business climate my mind is pretty well made up that I want to transition to being a mom at home as much as possible.  I just don't know how that is going to happen!  And truthfully, I don't know that God and my husband have given me the go-ahead yet!

But sitting at a stop light earlier this evening, mulling over how to replace my income it hit me!  You bridge the gap one dollar at a time!  I have already been trying to be as frugal as I can be with groceries and household items.  If we don't NEED it, I haven't been buying it.  I have also been trying to find multiple purposes for the things that we do have and even though we dealt with a huge rash incident for Miss E after the last time I tried my hand at homemade baby wipes, I made two containers of homemade baby wipes for a fraction of the cost of purchased wipes.  (I really think the wipes were more of a coincidence with the rash than the cause.) 

One dollar at a time, right?

Cloth diapers, homemade wipes, cooking from what we have in the pantry, repurposing, planning ahead, organizing so that I know what my resources are...they are all small steps toward saving a dollar.  It's the best that I know to do right now and I'm trusting that if I'm on the wrong track that God will show me.

In the mean time, it's late and elephant eating makes me very tired!


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