Friday Night

It's getting pretty late but we haven't been home long.  TDM and I have just returned from a date night.  We saw a play, it's one of the things we do every winter.  We justify buying season tickets to the local playhouse by telling ourselves that it's a guaranteed four date nights each year.  Except that plan didn't work last year.  TDM was gone for two of the shows so my nephew was my date for one show and a friend went to the other one with me.  So far this year we are one for two since Smiley Girl was born just a few days before the first show and we offered the tickets to someone else.  The play was excellent as usual.

After the show we made a trip to the Walmart.  The last time I was there I saw a kitchen set on sale for 50% off.  We wanted to buy a kitchen for Miss E for Christmas but a budget deficit prevented it. I came home and thought about.  Then I talked to TDM about it.  Then I prayed about it and the conclusion was that if it was still on sale the next time we were in the little big town and we had cash we would buy it for Miss E's birthday in May.  To shorten the story I'll just say that I have from now until May to determine where in this tiny house I am going to put the thing.  She is going to love it and God is amazing!

My parents watched the girls while we were out on the town - you know, our hot date to the playhouse and Walmart.  Mommy Ana and Miss E painted and baked sugar cookies while the Smiley girl went on a hunger strike and cried most of the night.  Grandparents are wonderful things.


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