big owie

In the words of Miss E, our big red truck has a big owie.  When daddy got home last week he spent a few minutes looking over the truck and discovered a major problem.  Big enough that given the right set of circumstances it could take us out of business.

Both of our thoughts immediately when to options - repair, replace, get out of trucking?  Being the sensitive wife that I have always been I am learning to be, I went to my husband, wrapped my arms around him and said 'I know this isn't in your plan, but God allowed it and He will show you what comes next.'  We spent a few minutes in prayer right then, asking God for direction.

That God...He is so faithful!

He showed my husband a way to repair the big owie and, while there are still problems with the big red truck that are going to have to be addressed we are, for now, back in business.

God is so good!


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