What we've been up to
MOPS - For the last three years I have been on the Steering Team for our local Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) group. MOPS is a place for moms to meet, learn, grow, eat, love, decoupage and take a break from our kids. I have wanted to be a part of MOPS since 1997 when I heard about it on the radio...before TDM ever came along and way way before Miss E and Smiley Girl entered my life...so it was no suprise that while I was still pregnant with Miss E that I found myself at a meeting and then getting involved in behind the scenes work. The MOPS year runs from September to May and in May we wrap up the year with a pretty good size meeting. Pretty good size in terms of it takes a lot to plan and pull off. This last week MOPS concluded with a Spa Day - which was a blast! Pedicures, manicures, facials and a create your own flip flop station. As well as a ton of food and an opportunity for several of our craftier moms to display their items. It was a fun day, but took a lot of work and MOPS functions pretty much like any good committee in that if you think of it you are in charge of it!
Miss E turns 3 at 11:48 pm tonight but since celebrating at midnight isn't my style and TDM's schedule has been unpredictable we celebrated with our family and her friend Little Man on Saturday. It was chaotic. And fun. And very tiring. I have an awesome video of Miss E dressed up in a Strawberry Shortcake outfit, a tutu, a pair of pink princess socks, the purple canvas shoes that she got last year for her birthday, a mauve sweater and a black winter hat trying like heck to ride her new Princess bike. The problem with the Princess bike is that a) she was tired and b) she can't peddle backward to build momentum before peddling forward because that is the brake. It didn't take long for her to figure it out but there were some tears in the process.
- TDM has been on the road constantly. Like five weeks in a row constantly. And the weekends have been packed. Between the flu, a mens conference, a work day for a local ministry, not catching fish in a fishing tournament and Miss E's birthday he hasn't had a lot of down time. It looks like there are three more trips coming up - which makes eight in a row for him. God has been faithful to provide! I must confess that I'm looking forward to him being home a bit during June. It's nice to have another responsible adult around. Being the only adult here 24 hours a day, five days a week can get a little lonely and impossible. And smelly - since showers don't happen very often when I'm the only one here. TMI? Sorry!
So there you have it. That's what we've been up to lately. :)
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