She stands!

Smiley Girl is mobile these days!  Her scooching turned into crawling (she's fast!) and this week she is pulling herself up on everything, including the toilet.  Precarious positions are the big draw for her.  The more likely it is that she could fall down on something, the more interesting it is.  I'm finding it hard to get anything done since she needs more attention now.  Her first tooth popped through earlier this week.

When Miss E was this age I kept a calendar detailing her changes and accomplishments.  I haven't gotten around to doing that for Smiley Girl but after looking at Miss E's calendar and thinking about when Smiley Girl met some of those milestones they are pretty well neck in neck.  The only real difference that I saw was that Miss E sat up on her own at 4 months and Smiley Girl didn't have a good grasp on that until around 6 1/2 months.

Both of my girls are so incredible.  I'm am blessed to be their mama!


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