The Big Red Dog

I have a love-hate relationship with the Big Red Dog.

I had just lost my dog, Cocoa, when TDM and the Big Red Dog came along.  I wasn't interested in the dog but since I found TDM charming I figured that I could handle the dog.  And, many many times I have been thankful to have him because he has been a good source of company.  Nine years, two kids and one really small house later though, there are days I could really live without him.  The last couple of weeks I really really could do without him.

If he is in the house when the kids are awake he can't leave them alone.  Whether it is licking every inch of Smiley Girls exposed flesh or herding Miss E he can't just relax.  Absolute chaos reigns when he is inside!  If he is outside he is constantly on the lookout for an escape since he would rather be at his Beagle friends house than ours.  The Beagle lives across the lake and at least twice a month I end up going to get him from the other side.  The Beagle has very nice least he chose well.

A couple of weeks ago he developed a smell - and rather than investigating the source of the smell I just shoved him outside because his presence adds stress that I don't need most days.  The smell developed into a massive ear infection and a trip to the vet.  $150.00 later I had medication for his ears and a twice a day ointment habit.  Lucky me!

Unfortunately, because the infection had gotten so bad before being treated the first week of treatment didn't work fast enough to keep him from digging at the ear and creating hot spots.  Another $50.00 at the vet and we were back home with a rigorous schedule for six different treatments or medications twice a day to treat the two problems.

Aren't I the lucky one?


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