
Being awake before both kids this morning I was excited to take part in some 'grown up' time...butterscotch biscotti, a diet dr pepper and the news.  I never get to watch the news anymore so this was pretty exciting stuff!

Imagine my disappointment in the 'news' this morning when one of the first stories was about the Facebook guy eating McDonalds while on his honeymoon in Rome.

Seriously, this is news?

I did learn that the weather will be cooling off after today.  And, at the risk of being shot by most of my friends, I am very thankful for that! 

In other 'local' news:

  • Our laundry pile is humongous after a weekend of family camp at Camp Barakel.
  • I can deal with the laundry pile since the weekend also included being fed spiritually.  I seriously needed the messages this weekend!
  • Our 'Little House' is parked in our driveway - something that excites Miss E to no end after a whole long winter of hearing her mournfully say 'Daddy took our little house.'
  • TDM headed back on the road yesterday for a final trip in the big red truck.  Well, in THIS big red truck.  The month of June will be spent purchasing a newer truck (it might not be red), a newer trailer and waiting for his brother to bale enough hay to make a trip south.
  • I might eat lunch at McDonalds today.

Oh, I mean, scratch the last one - that's NOT news.


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