Writing a business plan

Oh my.

When I signed on for this wife thing seven years ago I knew that secretly he was only marrying me for my secretarial abilities.  Seven years of fuel reports and annual filings and every thing else related to running the Big Red Truck up and down the road I find myself back where I began...trying to put what TDM does for a living into a sensible business plan.

Man, I stink at this kind of stuff!  I write two words and erase three.  Write a paragraph, go back and change it all and then find myself deleting the whole blasted thing.  I'm really not a fancy words kind of girl and trying to make this trucking thing sound appealing to a banker is making me crazy. 

Would anyone like to write this thing for me?  In a nutshell the Big Red Truck is falling apart and we need a newer one.  A newer one costs a bunch of money, which we don't have.  What we do have are three excellent customers who are waiting on pins and needles to pay us money to haul their loads.

Well, perhaps they aren't waiting on pins and needles...  Ahem.

The purchase of a newer truck would allow TDM to haul more loads without worrying about the truck falling apart every time it hits a pothole ant.  It would also be more cost effective as far as maintenance costs since less ant damage means less repair cost.  And hopefully a newer truck would get as good or better gas mileage than the current truck.

Our math works like this:

A bunch of loads times a couple of years, equals a whole bunch of money.  Less Uncle Sam's portion and what the fuel tanks burn, and other expenses, and food, shoes and the occasional french fry for our kids, equals a smaller bunch of money. 

And we would like to use that smaller bunch of money to repay the bank in convenient monthly installments until either our kids are old enough to get jobs or Jesus returns.

So, how about it friends?  Which one of you wordsmiths is up for the challenge?  Or better yet, anyone want to finance us?  I mean, if that isn't a sound business plan I don't know what is!


  1. Get creative with photoshop..... Place pallets of money on a trailer, label the pallets: bank of your choice, fuel, maintenance, profit, etc. Then just send em a picture!


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