My sister in law caught me drooling yesterday. 

Miss E took a humongously long nap yesterday afternoon so I did what any mother of young children would do and curled up in the recliner with my cell phone and Smiley Girl.

A little while later I don't know how much later, I slowly came out of my sleep induced fog to realize that Miss E had been sleeping for almost four hours, that I felt almost human again and that I had missed two phone calls even though the phone had been right on my lap beside Smiley Girl.  Yep, I slept through the phone ringing not once, but twice.

"I have an hour to kill and wondered what you were up to.  Maybe I'll do a driveby and see if you are home" came my SIL's voice on my voicemail.


Now I have to say that I was excited that she was going to stop by, but then I quickly realized that she probably DID stop by.  And she probably peeked in the window...

Thinking I would be cute, I called her back planning to say 'Was I drooling?' when she answered her phone in the enthusiastic way that only she can and said 'Hey sleepy head!!!'

I'm still cracking up about it.  I can't believe that I slept that soundly.  And I'm a little creeped out that someone peeked in the window.  And a little amazed that the Big Red Dog didn't make a peep.  But in retrospect, I believe that God orchestrated all of that yesterday so that I could be rested.  He's good like that, you know?  ;)


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