The highlights

Since a Sunday afternoon nap doesn't appear to be in this girls' future I figure that it's as good of a time as any to hit the highlights. 

  • Smiley Girl is playing on the floor at my feet, talking away to her book and scooching herself wherever she needs to go.  She has been up and rocking on her knees for about two weeks now and she scooches.  A lot.  And mostly in a backward direction.  It's kind of funny the places she gets herself into, like under the couch with just her head sticking out or stuck with her feet against the wall unable to scooch any further.  She is getting pretty interested in toys or things or computer cords.  Really, she likes whatever is nearby.  It is getting hard to keep her quiet in church.  This morning I took her out to a bench in the entry where she locked her vision on a person that she could see and then proceeded to do anything and everything to get that persons attention.  Once she had that persons attention and smiled at them she would then go on to someone else.  I am guessing that I may have a little sanguine on my hands.  Tomorrow we go for her six month appointment - which amazes me!  Half a year already!

  • Miss E is excited that her birthday is coming soon.  About once a day she mentions that it's going to be her birthday, and we talk about cake and plates and balloons.  Lately she has been watching Strawberry Shortcake and the other night instead of telling Daddy 'goodnight' she told him 'sweet dreams!'  Hot cocoa is her new favorite drink - because 'Trawberry Cake' drinks it.  We didn't have MOPS this past week so we got together with her friend Little Man instead.  They had fun and it doesn't hurt that Little Man's mom and I like getting together.   Miss E got a haircut yesterday - which is also known as 'playing beauty shop' with my mom.  Mommy Ana has a knack for even making a haircut into fun.  

  • We went on a date with daddy last night.  He was out of town for a conference yesterday and got back to town at dinner time.  When he called to see if we wanted to meet him for dinner I was covered in paint from working on the kitchen all day but decided that I don't get an offer like that very often.  Miss E wore a dress because that's what you wear on a date.  It was fun to get out for a bit, dinner was tasty and the guy in the booth next to us was annoying.  Really annoying.

  • TDM has been away for the last two weeks and really busy when he has been home on the weekends so I was able to convince my parents to come hangout with my kids while I worked on finishing the kitchen yesterday.  You know, the kitchen that I started working on about six weeks ago...  The only thing left is to do a little decorating and put up two trim boards.  I'm glad to have the project done but like any good home improvement project I already have another one lined up.  Since the kitchen and the laundry room are the 'same' color and I have been wanting to paint the trim in the laundry room I decided that using up the paint in the tray seemed more logical than pouring it back into the can for another day.  So, I painted the door to the garage and the trim and still had enough left to paint the trim on the door into the kitchen.  Except that I was kinda sloppy and decided that it wouldn't hurt anything if the paint got somewhere other than the trim.  WRONG!  I now have a laundry room wall to fix. 
And now it's an hour later, Smiley Girl sounds ready to sleep and Miss E is awake already.  Told you I wouldn't be getting a nap ~


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