The Washing Car

Daddy has been away for the last two weeks and even though he was home for three days last weekend he had a lot going on and wasn't able to be home very much of the time.  Sensing that Miss E has really been struggling with not getting one on one attention I wanted to make it a priority to spend some time with just her this morning.  Smiley Girl stayed with Daddy as Miss E and I set out for our 'date.'

We hit up the store and then she casually mentioned that her 'tummy cake' hurt because 'it' was hungry.  Taking the hint our next stop was Taco Bell.  While we were eating I asked where we should go next and she replied "Mr Matt's and the washing car."  We skipped Mr Matts (local restaurant) since we had already eaten lunch but we did make a trip through the 'washing car' and then made a stop at Mommy Ana'ss on the way home where she ended up staying for the afternoon.  I'm thankful that my mom lives so close by and that she invests so much into Miss E.

It was fun to enjoy just my girl for a while today.  So often I find myself busy with the busy-ness of life that I forget to take a minute to just enjoy this sweet girl that God has blessed us with.  She is so much fun to be with!


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