The highlights

It's 72 degrees and a whole lotta sunny outside.

It's wonderful.  And really unusual.  At least for our neighborhood in March.

I'm loving it though!  TDM and Miss E spent a good part of yesterday afternoon getting toys and tables and chairs out of the shed.  Miss E has fallen in love all over again with the 'go back in the yard'. 

The weekend was a busy one.  Friday night I hosted a jewelry party for Women At Risk, International.  It was a fun evening and even more fun to touch and feel all of the incredible items that Women At Risk has to offer.  And the best part?  Knowing that I can enjoy the jewelry AND that 90% of the sales go straight back into the WAR against human trafficking.  I'm looking forward to hosting another party this week for Moms Night Out with our Mothers of Preschoolers group.

I spent Saturday shopping with a friend.  We hit up a Mom 2 Mom sale and then the outlet mall for some wardrobe re-stocking.  I was able to find most of what each family member needed and tried to force myself to buy shoes but I seem to have an aversion to shoe shopping lately.  It seems like all of the shoes for summer have that thing between the toes, which I hate.  I need shoes because pregnancy changed the size of my feet but I'm really struggling to find something comfortable and functional.  (It's just easier to buy chocolate, you know?  One size fits all and it's always on sale somewhere!)

The boat hit the water over the weekend.  Big shocker, huh?  Fishing season has begun...

Daddy and the big red truck are gone again so today has just been a relaxed day for the rest of us.  I have needed a what I call a 'thinking day' so I'm glad for the quiet.  Sometimes life just gets too busy, too many thoughts start rolling around in my head and I just have to step back from being busy and focus on the important rather than the urgent.  Today is a good day for that.


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