
It feels an awful lot like fall today even though the calendar says that it is still August.  A whopping 47 degrees when I headed out for a walk this morning.  Definitely brisk, but I loved it. 

I get to see this view




Be jealous.

It's absolutely okay with me.

I know that I am blessed to live surrounded by water.

You won't ever catch me taking this view for granted.

Another view that I love is Michigan's coastline.  And I was looking forward to traveling much of it this weekend but a last minute change of plans that honestly I don't understand, changed all of that.

Disappointment can be turned into lemonade.  The girls and I had a play date planned for the 'blue' park on Thursday and how glad I am that we had not postponed it.  I love friendships that are God ordained blessings.  I haven't really talked one on one with this friend since December.  And some of you know how dark late fall and early winter were for me personally.  She glimpsed that darkness and understood that life isn't always roses.  She had her own darkness and together we were able to hold each other before Christ's throne until light broke through for each of us.  We were able to spend some time talking about a vision that God has given to both of us, and concluded that perhaps, just perhaps, He was waiting for us to put feet to it.  God is good!

Later in the day we caught up with Little Man and his posse for fun at the 'green park'.  Fresh air, children getting tired and visiting with people who 'get' us was just what we all needed. 

We finished off the day with ice cream - but it wasn't just any ice cream.  

It was a Chocolate Extreme blizzard made with chocolate kind of ice cream - and I didn't even have to pay for it. 
{Thanks Papa!}

It's a funny thing about ice cream and all things of comfort.  Logically, I KNOW that ice cream (or pizza, etc.) itself doesn't fix a single thing, but it still feels like a balm applied to raw emotions and I felt a little better when my cup was empty.

Yesterday was declared a 'home day' by Miss E.  We cuddled through Enchanted and then tackled Tangled.  Lest you think that this was a relaxing feat please understand that two year olds DO NOT cuddle.  They simply rest in twenty second increments every minute.  The other forty seconds of each minute are filled with jabbing, movement and often talking.  Five year olds randomly get up and dance along with the show, or play act their own version.  It isn't what most would call relaxing, but nothing in my life really is. 

Later on they managed to procure my purse, lipstick and enough surface to annihilate the first two items, their bodies, their bedding and the carpet in their bedroom.  In case you ever need to know this - Purple Power will take lipstick out of carpet by blotting some on a rag and scrubbing until your arm hurts. 

The girls lost their bikes until further notice, were sent to mandatory naps and were both given a good  - after my heart rate and voice returned to normal - talking to about making good choices.  Clean up efforts continue.

I am not sure what today will hold.  I might have hopes and dreams for it but my two little people will make changes.  I do love my little people.  I am blessed to be their mama.  But trying to curb disappointment all day Thursday and trying to curb destruction yesterday have left my nerves a little raw. 

A shower and a little time with Jesus seem like the best place to start today. 

Have a good day friends ~


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