Celebritys, the Fair and a day at Barakel

Today was like the perfect wrap up to a great week.  It has been County Fair week in the area where TDM grew up - and somehow we were able to go not once, but FOUR times over the course of the week.  This is definitely a family record! 

I look forward to fair week every year.  It is so fun to bump into people that I don't see throughout the rest of the year and just have a chance to catch up.  Tuesday afternoon is always a cheaper day to ride the carnival rides - and this year both of my girls are tall enough to actually ride most of the rides.  They had a blast and spent most of the afternoon and evening following their older cousins around while trying to get as many rides in as possible.  We did take a break to attend Smokey Bear's birthday party - where the girls acquired Smokey hats, Smokey water bottles, Smokey Frisbees and the book that was made 73 years ago (or 1973 maybe) about Smokey Bear.  Wildfire prevention 101 right there. 

Wednesday night we dined at the Steak Dinner and dodged rain storms while visiting all kinds of people.  TDM's mom and brother are both involved in local government and TDM works in agriculture.  What I am getting at is that put together they know everyone and it would seem that thanks to my involvement in MOPS I know everyone that they don't know.  It's almost like we are celebrity's sans the paparazzi.

So okay, maybe not...

The animal barns were a treat, in fact as we were walking back from them last night the horses were out for a show.  Making our way through horse poo and horse people Miss E announced "This is like Heartland!"  Gotta love a girl that loves TV shows about horses!

We celebrated our nephews 9th birthday last night - he finally got the gift that he has asked for the last five years.  Every birthday.  Every Christmas.  The kid just wanted a Nintendo DS.  And he finally got it!  It was fun to see his dream finally realized and since birthday's always involve cake, well, you know...  ;)

This afternoon we had the pleasure of joining friends for their daughters baptism and graduation party.  It was a sweet afternoon, watching two young ladies publicly declare that Jesus is their Savior and then spending the day with friends (old and new).  The day was made sweeter by the fact that the festivities were held at Camp Barakel - so we were able to visit with a lot of the staff as well.  That's always puts a smile on my face.  And the girls got to play giant checkers.  That makes them smile.

Gate passes $30. 
Carnival Rides $19. 
Elephant Ears and Cotton Candy $21.
Two inflatable pink 1980's rocker guitars that my children will hit each other with $5.

Four evenings, one entire day spent with our daddy and a visit to our favorite place in Fairview:  Absolutely priceless! 


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