Miss E is FIVE!

Five years ago this morning, TDM and I were preparing to leave the house for the ride of our lives!

Five days overdue, it was determined that today (well, today five years ago) was the day!  Like it or not, that girl was going to join the world!

{Um, she didn't like it.}

And boy, let me tell you...

She gave us a run for our money from the word go.

Checking into the hospital at 7 am, the little night owl didn't make an appearance until 11:48 PM.

And that began life with the beautiful Miss E.

We did things her way...

from labor

to birth

from sleepless nights

to sleep filled days

from poop filled diapers

to three diaper changes in rapid succession (we're talking three in less than five minutes)

from car rides filled with screaming

to the occasional smile

from doing everything to console her

to realizing the child was just ticked off

She ruled our days as a newborn

and no matter how exhausted we were,

no matter how much she screamed,

no matter how many times we threatened to take her back,  :)

she was ours! 

And somehow, we lived through the first eight months.

And then through the first year, where tears were more common than smiles (hers and mine!) until the day she was allowed to sit forward in her car seat.  At that point car rides became amazing.  She had been missing out on what was going on around her!

We survived the crazy filled two year old year where chairs became something used more often for climbing than sitting, where naps became a struggle, where Mickey Mouse was her favorite way to wake up and MY favorite way to get more sleep.  The year she learned to talk to JeJe (Jesus) about her days.  The year when she became a big sister.

And in the blink of an eye, two became three!  And she loved hanging out with her Daddy every chance she could get.  And she was my biggest helper and best cuddler all rolled into one. 

And then four came, and I realized that my baby...was a baby no more.  Preschooler?  Really?  So soon?  But with that year came a compassionate, beautiful, amazing, caring young lady, who challenges the limits but knows the most important thing of all - Jesus loves her!  And on a crazy summer day, on an ordinary car ride to town, she began asking questions about Jesus living in her heart...so we prayed together and she invited him to live inside that heart.

And now today.  Five!  FIVE!?  How can it be?  The girl that changed our lives is half a decade old already!

We still do things her way, but she's a much happier girl these days.  And there are some healthy boundaries in place.  We focus on the big picture and tend to not sweat the small stuff.  But yesterday morning, on her last day as a four year old, the conversation went like this:

"But can't I just say that I'm five?  Would that be okay mom?"  to

"Fine, I will be four TODAY.  But tomorrow can it be a not a nap day?!"

So much has changed, but so much has stayed the same.  The girl just doesn't like that pesky sleeping stuff!  :)

Happy Birthday my sweet girl!  I can't wait to see what Jesus has in store for you in the next year!


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