croc sandals and a life hack

Monday was a sad day at our house.

I discovered that I must have gotten rid of my tried and true, worn out, lime-green-and-dirty-with-a-Piglet-jibbet Crocs.  Comfy for lawn mowing shoes.  Fashionista tormentors.

You know, the original ugly shoes. 
(Mine were a lighter shade of green than these.)  
(You will never know that though since their beautiful green-ness has been sent onto greener pastures.)


But I do still have my every day Crocs, even though they have zero tread left and make ice-skating possible when attempting to walk on wet surfaces. 

My husband hates my sandal Crocs because they aren't real shoes. 

(Apparently only lace up shoes or work boots qualify as 'real' shoes in that mans mind?)

Boys are ten thousand kinds of silly aren't they?

And you know those snarky ecards that float around the web
Haters gonna hate, you know?

But me?  I love me my Crocs.   

Even though the tread is shot and they are slippery. 

And even though I am pretty sure that they are the cause of some of my low back pain.

(Glutton for punishment here...)

Anyway, after my Monday meldown over the shoes

And my literal over-heated, holding my eyeball into my head to keep it from exploding, make me puke and visit my not-so-favorite place Monday meltdown

And the realization that my sandals were looking a little dirty

I had an inspiration!

My shower scrubber!  It is filled with a combination of Dawn dish detg and white vinegar

...and ta-da!

Clean and cute Croc sandals.

And the love affair continues...


  1. I was thinking how cute your sandals were at MOPS last week. I had no idea they were Crocs! Husbands don't know fashion anyway...


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