How we got here

Life has changed for us.  Again. 

Because we would get sick of the ordinary, right?  {lol}

TDM has taken a local job that allows him to be at home every night.  Every night!  Can you believe it?  Most nights he comes dragging in just in time to pray with the girls and head off to dream land, but still, he's here. 

And things that might go bump in the night?  I don't have to check them out anymore.  He can! 

Most people have heard this story, but since it's pretty amazing I want to take time to share it here.  Because I don't want to forget the way that everything transpired.  Because only God could work all of these details out...

TDM and I were able to spend part of a weekend serving at Camp Barakel in mid-February and as always, we left trying to figure out how soon we could get back, how we could be a part of the ministry there, what needs there are, etc.  Knowing that there was a need for a truck driver this summer kind of upped the ante and we discussed TDM volunteering for the job - but we were also aware that it would take an act of God to get his employer to agree to the time off each week even if we could figure out a way to swing it financially.

A few weeks later, on a Monday morning, TDM took a phone call from the camp director and he was asked to drive for them for the summer.  At that point, TDM had to say no.

To say that it was discouraging for both of us would be an understatement.  To have the ability and skills to fill the role, yet not be able to do so...what in the world was God doing?

{Building our trust.}  {Teaching us to be patient.}  {Unfolding His work...}

The following Tuesday TDM took a phone call from the man that bought his semi last July.  The man is a local business man and he was calling to offer TDM a job.  As they talked about the job and pay and all of that jazz, TDM told him about the desire to drive semi for Barakel this summer. Without a moment of hesitation this man agreed to TDM taking Mondays and Tuesdays off throughout the Summer in order to serve at Barakel.

You can imagine our excitement.

A sleep at home job,
  for the pay that we needed,
     in the field that TDM went to college for,
       working for a man who understands that our heart desire is not for the things of this world
          and the ability to fill a need for Barakel.

All wrapped into one awesome package!

God is simply amazing!

So, your questions:

Question:  What is TDM's new job?
Answer:  He works for a local feed company.  Spring is trying to spring here in the north country and so far most of his days have been spent in farmers fields doing what is called 'Precision Farming' - taking soil samples, determining what fertilizer needs are, etc.  This week he has been spreading fertilizer.   Next week might be something else.  Hopefully the spring will give way to a growing season, then a harvest season...and we'll see what each one of them brings.  He loves the job and loves that he is getting paid for something that he loves to do.

Question:  Why does Camp Barakel have a semi and why do they need a driver?
Answer:  The cost of sending your child to Camp Barakel includes transportation from several locations downstate.  Camp owns several buses that are used for transporting campers, but obviously kids coming for a week of camp bring lots of stuff!  Camp also owns a semi and trailer, which is how the clothes and sleeping bags arrive at camp.  TDM will be filling this role as a part time staff volunteer. 

It will take some faith living to take two days of income out of TDM's check each month, but we are confident that God did not open this door without already having a plan for providing for our needs. 



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