The Bible diet, paper plates and what you want to think that I said...

It looks like I tossed the picture that was sort of the catalyst for this post and I'm struggling a bit to remember what it said exactly what it said but I do remember why it bothered me.

If you are online for any amount of time you will see ads for everything under the sun.  Most of the time I just scroll past but earlier this week I noticed an ad for some type of Biblical diet.  The ad was written in such a way that after reading it you would conclude that 1) the diet is the way, the truth and your only hope at life and 2) sin would be the result of not clicking the link.

That got me thinking about how subtle (and sometimes not subtle) the messages that we encounter are. 

Similarly I am in a Facebook group that is basically a group of people discussing low cost meals.  A member recently posted a picture of the dinner that she had gotten on the table in 20 minutes after getting home from work and she was celebrating the fact that she could accomplish that - because it's a huge savings to cook at home.  Another member wrote "That's great, but paper plate?  Not budget friendly."

And I can think of more than one conversation with people that always seem to confidently know just what I'm thinking and am motivated by - except that it is their version or perception that they state as truth - not what I am thinking,  feeling or believing at all!

This type of stuff drives me nutty!  The trend that I see is a type of pervasive attack to chip away at confidence and leave us questioning everything we know.

Every decision,  every choice, every comment is held up to be publicly scrutinized, critiqued and discussed.  People you have never met or who you know only casually are deciding your successes or failures for you.  Things are turned into someone else's version of reality and you are supposed to take that as truth.

It's bunk.   All bunk.

Here's the thing:  The Lord gave you a brain and a purpose and hopefully a sense of discernment.  He is the Truth.  He uses your brain and the purpose He gave you together with discernment to encourage you, not to chip away at you with half truths.

The world's measuring stick is broken and discombobulated.  Don't measure yourself there.  Be sure to measure yourself using truth and grace.


This is our official snow-measuring-snow-measurer in our driveway Tuesday morning.
 Prior to using the official snow-measuring-snow-measurer all that I had to go by was this:
Which I guessed to be a crap-ton.  But your  crap-ton measurement might be different than mine, so the ruler.  Point made?  😉


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