Sweet summer time...

Ah, summer.

I wish that I could write an intro like the old Country Time Lemonade commercials.  You know, the ones that would bring a tear to your eye just thinking about the one hundred and twenty days of carefree, warm days...


Carefree?  Far from it!  Warm?  Kinda!  Busy?  You betcha!

Just a recap of our summer so far:

Memorial Day Family camping at Barakel.
Helped my mom with a garage sale
Attended two wedding showers
Attended two of the three weddings that we were invited to
One word:  Graduations!  (Like tons of them this year - who are all these people?!)
Backyard bonfires
Three days at Big Ticket Festival (for TDM and the 'big' kids a/k/a our youth group)
Two weeks of camp cooking - one week at Barakel and one week at Camp Cedar Ridge - that was TDM's baby but made my life a little squirely for a bit.  :)
One out of town business trip - complete with two kids and one Aunt GG!
Five birthdays
Six if you include America's - which we celebrated with breakfast in the park, a parade, NAPS and fireworks!
Seeing cousins - lots and lots of cousins!  At the fireworks I was able to introduce my grandpa's great niece to my grandma's great niece.  Somehow I think that's something that not a whole lot of people get to do!
Swimming lessons for Miss E
Learning to enjoy hanging the never ending laundry pile on a good old fashioned clothesline
Two words:  New friends!
Connecting and re-connecting with old friends! 

(Make new friends, but keep the old...)

Playing Princesses and dress up
Attempting to eliminate a chipmunk from our garage
Watermelons that beg to be eaten
Bike rides - though Smiley Girl either rides in the bike trailer or coasts on her Elmo Airplane
Sneaking ice cream when Mr. Dairy man isn't along for the treat.

With just over a month to go, we are looking forward to the county fair complete with pig poop, tractor pulls and that fun slide ride!  Concerts in the park and hopefully breaking out our Little House (camping trailer) at least one more time.  If you think of us, pray for the sale of the semi and trailers.  That would help our finances immensely! 

Sweet summer time!


  1. God's grace and goodness are never ending. Enjoy growing with Him.


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