Dairy Free "Cream" Soups

After TDM was diagnosed as severely lactose intolerant we were told to eliminate dairy from as many things as possible so we became label readers.  Ugh, can you imagine?  Ha!

And I was a little dismayed to realize that the canned cream soups that I cooked with 90% of the time were not only filled with dairy but not going to cut it in this new dairy free regime.  I felt horrible that many of the meals that I had been preparing were causing TDM to feel so rotten.

Thankfully there has been a lot of attention given to Dairy Free living and I had a friend who had been doing several months of an elimination diet for her daughter so I had some idea of where to start.  But figuring out how to cook main dishes without my secret ingredient (canned cream soups) was a challenge!

But never fear - because God made the Google!  (Yeah, I know HE didn't make Google, but he gave someone the genius to do so, so I figure that's pretty much like God making it, right?)  In my searching one day I came across a website that had a recipe for 'Cream of Whatever' soup.  After several attempts I had it mastered, at least well enough for our family.

Dairy Free 'Cream' of Mushroom soup:

Melt 2 tbsp coconut oil in a pan, add 4 tbsp flour and combine well
onion powder (to suit your family's taste)
salt and pepper (I use 10 shakes of salt and 5 of pepper, but I'm a little nerdy like that)
Add diced mushrooms (more if you like mushrooms, less if you don't)
Stir in 8-12 oz of beef broth, adding either water or more broth until it reaches the desired consistency.

Dairy Free 'Cream' of Chicken soup:

Melt 2 tbsp coconut oil in a pan, add 4 tbsp flour and combine well
onion powder (to suit your family's taste)
salt and pepper (see the 10/5 shakes comment above)
small chunks of chicken (if desired and if you have on hand, otherwise skip it)
Stir in 8-12 oz of chicken broth, adding either water or more broth until it reaches the desired consistency.

That's it!  I try to at least double the recipe when I make it and freeze one batch in a pint size canning jar so that I have kind-of the convenience of opening a can.  I love that I know everything that goes into it and I especially love knowing that if TDM gets a stomach ache it WON'T be because I am cooking with something that bothers him.  That's a win-win!  I can't say that it saves us money, because I haven't found a great source for coconut oil yet and I usually used store bought broth, but there definitely is potential to save money by making your own broth or buying a larger quantity of coconut oil at a lower cost.


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