The Highlights

The Highlights
  • Best book that I have read lately:  Gods and Kings by Lynn Austin (Book #1 in her Chronicles of the Kings series)  It is an excellent read about the life of King Hezekiah, very thought provoking and it is a free download for Kindle users.
  • I'm shedding.  Like, more than our dog used to.  It's bad...  but making a hair appointment to have any amount of hair removed from my head and then actually going to it sounds so committal.  I would have to plan ahead and all that...and that's just crazy talk!
  • TDM's cousin came up to fish for the weekend and brought his middle daughter with him to hang out with Miss E.  The girl cousins had a lot of fun together - dress up and tea parties were involved.  As well as trashing the entire house, watching movies, cookie baking, frosting application, manicures/pedicures and two VERY late nights with not much sleep.  The kids had fun, the boys didn't catch any fish and it was a good way to spend a snowy weekend.
  • The Royal Kingdom is in need of some attention.  {Cleaning help wanted, apply within.  Pay is minimal to non-existent.  Feeling of accomplishment when your feet no longer stick to the kitchen floor will be priceless.}  Seriously, I have NO idea how the floor got as dirty as it is.  It's horrible and Plan 1 for me today.
  • Plan 2 involves deflating the air mattress that took up residence in our living room.  I think I can manage that.
  • Our friend Jethro was over last night to enjoy blueberry pie and the craziness that we call home.  {He says that he prefers the craziness at our house to the quietness at his apartment.  I say 'You stay here, I'm going to the quiet.'  Hehehe!}  Anyway, he is getting married this summer and the subject of housing came up.  His wife-to-be is interested in buying a house in the area but he is a little on the fence about it and we told him that he SHOULD be riding the fence.  We also talked about the pros and cons of each option they are considering.  I must admit that it was a little fun to scare the poor guy about the true cost of living once you are married.  I had previously explained to him that taking two incomes and putting them together does not give you more money.  Last night we talked a lot more in depth about how that all works and he left for the night looking a little dazed about money, real estate and making his new bride happy.  
  • In the course of the Jethro Housing Conversation, I told him that income and expense figures for our family have NEVER worked out on paper but that somehow, someway, we have ALWAYS had what we have needed.  God has blessed us.  Abundantly.  That is something worth reminding ourselves of frequently
  • I spent the early hours of this morning reading the book of Ecclesiastes.  I'm not sure that I have ever read the entire book through and now I can say that I have. 
  • I will be spending some time with a friend later today talking through some thoughts with regard to ministry.  If you think of us would you pray along with us that God would show us the direction that He would like us to go? 
  • Smiley Girl has a new word:  STOP!  It comes out more like "Dop!" but she uses it correctly.  And often.  :)
Happy Monday everyone!


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