Cooking...the science fiction way

TDM was on his way home one day recently and feeling like I should have some kind of sweet and snacky thing available I decided to do some work in the Test Lab (a/k/a Kitchen).  A friend of mine shared this picture with me a couple of months ago and, well, you read 'my version' of this recipe you will see that it pegs me correctly!

(I would love to give credit for this photo to someone but I have no idea who!)
The first step in determining how any recipe will go together at my house is to figure out what we actually have.  I prefer to modify recipes and pray that they turn out something close to what they are supposed to rather than dragging two children to the store in hopes that I will remember why I went there to begin with.
The recipe calls for 2 cups of graham cracker crumbs which required some graham cracker death by three year old.
One package of graham crackers equals a little less than 2 cups of crumbs.  Like maybe a 1/2 a cup less.  Or something like that.
Taking the crumbs that we had, I mixed them with a little bit less than the recipe called for of peanut butter, powdered sugar and butter.  It was a little runnier consistency than I expected so I re-checked the recipe to see if I was going for something that would be eaten with a fork or with your hands.  It looks like a self-feeder so I added more powdered sugar to stiffen the mixture a bit.
 Next came a slightly reduced amount of chocolate chips and peanut butter to make the chocolate topping.  This involved Miss E scooping out a 'little bit' of peanut butter and asking me if I needed a little more.  I told her that I did, so she scooped out a 'little bit' more and then proceeded to eat everything that she scooped out.  She marched off to the living room while I 'measured' some more out.
Measured!  HA!  Who am I kidding!?
 Anyway, after melting the chocolate chip and peanut butter concoction together, spreading it on top of the graham cracker-ish mixture, sweeping crumbs off of the floor for the fifth time in ten minutes and picking up all of the macaroni and cheese that Smiley Girl spilled on the floor while the chocolate was melting, we ended up with this:


Which, after refrigerating for a while, was ridiculously yummy and definitely a winner.
Cooking...the science fiction way!


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