Of Hats and Headphones

My husband wears a hat e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. he goes.  It annoys the snot of out certain people.  And, I have to admit that for a short period after we met it annoyed me a teensy little bit because it annoyed my grandpa and to me, it was a respect issue for the older generation who were taught to remove their hats.  Other than that I have always known that with TDM it's a 'love me, love my hat' kind of thing.

And since I do love him {and love to annoy him}, the hats come with the territory.

I find myself fiercely defending his right to wear a hat to certain people who cross our paths.  I get upset that they want to change his hat trademark or make him conform to a standard that they feel is right.

All this to say that I was humbled this morning by a picture on Facebook.  It is of an acquaintance of ours, a father holding his hours-old daughter and I couldn't help but notice that he was sporting the telltale wires of his trademark headphones. 

Keyword:  Trademark.  Just like the hat.

My first thought was "Sheesh, can't even take off the headphones the day your child is born!" and I was immediately humbled my thought process.  How judgmental have I become?!  This man's wife would defend his right to wear the headphones (or earphones or earbuds or whatever we are supposed to call them these days) as fervently as I would defend TDM's right to wear his hat. 

Just my two cents about hats, headphones and trademarks.  Perhaps I won't be as quick to judge the next time I see a 'trademark'. 


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