Frustrated, excited & tired

I find myself so frustrated, so excited, so tired tonight that I all that I can do is to do the next thing.  Right now that is to sit in the bathroom while my youngest plays in the bath water.  My husband is venting on the telephone to a friend and Miss E is contently playing on the computer. 

I feel like God has been leading me somewhere for a while.  Too many months ago to count I told my mom that I felt like God was showing me that He wanted something more for me but that I was confused because of other doors that had opened.  So, there I sat, content and not content.  Stirred toward something more but comfortable where I sat.

I don't know where this is going.  I'm scared to think about change.  And excited to think about it all the same.  I choose the comfortable route months ago because it seemed to be the right thing.  The great thing about God is that while something might be 100% right at one time in life it may be 100% wrong at another.

Sometimes doors are shut.  Other times they locked up, boarded over and the building set on fire.  I feel like that is what is happening.  There are so many things happening that I can't call them coincidence.  I'm done with comfortable.  God showed me that tonight. 

It would be easy to react in anger tonight but I don't want that.  God doesn't want that from me.  He wants obedience and I believe that this is the time to act on what He has been telling me for a while. 
I believe in a Holy God who has a Perfect Plan.  And I believe that I can trust his Heart on this.

Lead us Lord!


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