
I'm not a huge Halloween fan but when Miss E was born TDM and I had to decide how we were comfortable celebrating the day with our kids.  After some conversation about our views of the day and memories of childhood it was decided that our kids would be allowed to dress up and trick or treat in a very small scale fashion.  So, for the last few years, Miss E has had a fun costume and has dressed up long enough to beg some candy from a neighbor and her grandparents and a friend or two along the way. 

Last year Smiley Girl had just been born and Miss E got what she got - which happened to be a purple garden fairy costume.  She thought she was Tinkerbell (or Tinkabell as she called it) and life was good.  This year I have been perking on what to have her dress up as and decided in a moment of weakness yesterday to take a peek at the halloween aisle of Walmart.  She fell in love with the Princess (pronounced Trincess!) gowns and after some him-hawing decided that Rapunzel was her girl.

The rest of the time we were in the store the conversation revolved around what she was going to be for halloween - a Trincess.  What Smiley Girl was going to be for halloween - to be determined.  What Daddy was going to be for halloween - he is going as a daddy.  What Mommy was going to be for halloween - a mommy seems like a good choice but she thinks I need to be a Trincess Mommy.  Speculation continued about what her friend Little Man would be for halloween - she is thinking a whale.  The cashier and everyone in line in front of us seemed to be enjoying the conversation.

Anyway, it was all good and dandy until we got home last night and she was frantic to unload the car. I had forgotten about the costume and was more concerned with bedtime than unloading a car full of stuff that could wait until today.  She reached fever pitch in her desire to unload the car so we ended up doing so until she grabbed hold of one bag, took off to her bedroom and came back a few minutes later looking for scissors and help.

She ended up falling asleep with her Rapunzel dress on, happy from head to toe because she is a Trincess.

Yes you are honey.  Yes you are!


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