I'm going to miss this ~

 "Mom, mom, mom, I want the Turtles. Mom, mom, mom, the turtles." So I am looking for the turtle movie on Netflix and along the way she sees the Orange Pingu. "Mom, mom, mom, I want Pingu." So, I head for Pingu only to hear 'I want Red. Red Pingu." As I'm looking for the red one she randomly blurts out "I don't like tomatoes. I only like my hamburgers without pickles."


"What is Uncle Pedro going to be for halloween?  Uncle Pedro going to be a giraffe to Smiley Girl?"  Translation:  Uncle Pedro and Smiley Girl will have matching giraffe costumes.  I told Uncle Pedro yesterday that he better get looking but neither one of us are hopeful that six foot tall giraffe costumes are the rage at The Walmart in the western US.


Whether she is making me the C~R~A~Z~Y kind of crazy or just making me laugh Miss E makes my days so much more fun.  One day I'm going to miss these sweet days.


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