Lessons in craftiness and the most important words you will ever hear

I am not much of an artist.  I can look at something and come pretty close to duplicating it but creating something out of nothing isn't really my thing.

And, thanks to nearly a decade of MOPS I have a pretty decent idea of what kind of adhesive to use in most circumstances.  I know that decoupage is fun to play with.  E6000 is the ultimate in security and hot glue works on most everything in between. 

I have the basics of crafty duplication.  But an artist I am not.

That's quite alright though, because there are many people that can stare at a blank canvas or a box of supplies and create something original and amazing.  That's their gift.  I appreciate them.  And I know enough about them to know that many times they don't even know what their end result will be when they are creating.  That amazes me!

Tonight I want to talk about another artist though.  THE Artist.  THE Creator.  Because He is amazing.

Unlike many artists, the Artist knew when he started what He was going to create.  He didn't have to stare at a blank canvas and wonder what putting this here or that there would do.  He just knew what He was going to do and did it. 

He didn't have to wonder what mixing red with blue would get.  He created both, and He created what makes them do what they do.  He didn't have to experiment.  He KNEW.

And what is so amazing about all of this craftiness and artistry is that He KNEW the whole picture before he ever made a stroke of the brush.  Amazing!

And I guess that what I really want to communicate is that God that Artist. 

Before he ever took a step toward creation, before he ever gathered a supply, He knew what He was doing.  And He knew you.

Incredible stuff, huh?

Before you were ever born Jesus died on the cross for you, so that you could have a life beyond what you see today.  The simplicity of knowing God was made possible by the same Creator who designed the complexities of growth cycles and the atmosphere.  Just ask.

Ask Jesus to live in your heart.  Ask Him to forgive your sins.  Ask Him to direct you.

What is sin you ask?  Sin is anything that conflicts with a relationship with God.  Just as darkness and light can't exist together neither can sin and perfection.

But you have too many bad things you say?

Really?  They are worse than the One who created you can imagine?  Probably not.

So ask.  It's simple.  And it's the most important thing that you will ever hear.


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