What I do all day

7:00, wake up, make two sandwiches, figure out something else to add to TDM's lunch, talk to TDM, cuddle Smiley Girl, kiss daddy goodbye, pray with him, stand on the porch and wave goodbye

7:20 sit down to cuddle with Smiley Girl while I finish waking up

7:21 Smiley Girl demands 'eat'

7:25 sit down again

7:27 remember that my breakfast is sitting on the kitchen counter

8:30 fight breaks out between Smiley Girl and Miss E who has just gotten out of bed.  We finally establish that there is room for both of them to cuddle on my lap for the 673rd day in a row

8:35 Miss E would like a scrambled egg

8:39 Smiley Girl would too

8:45 Need to make phone calls, the girls are quiet but no office is open and my mama taught me that it is rude to call a house before 10 am.  I try not to even call her house before ten but someday's it doesn't work

The next hour passes in a blur of arguments over tv shows, cleaning up spilled food and whatever else happens in the process of a morning.  At one point Smiley Girl is sitting on the television cabinet blocking Miss E and I from seeing the picture.

9:39 Phone rings, girls go wild

9:46 My mind is numb beyond belief, the have to do's of the day are ganging up on me and Miss E is demanding that we go on a walk

9:47 Grab a few boxes out of the attic to take to my mom's house later

9:55 I FINALLY get a bra on.

9:56 We find enough shoes and scooters to walk to the corner, which is located directly across from our neighbors house.

9:57 Return home for bug spray because the giant vampire mosquito's are biting early this morning.

10:03 Two visiting dogs scare the bejesus out of Miss E who has decided to ride ahead of me.  Comfort crying child for several minutes while neighbor of the nice dog comes to see that everyone is okay.

10:15 Finish visiting with nice dog neighbor and return home to load boxes in the car along with broken television and vcr that need to go to the dump.

10:16 Knock nightstand over onto my foot causing me to say a bad word.

10:21 Argue with five year old about the necessity to use the potty before we leave the house because we are not using the one in the car unless it is an E.M.E.R.G.E.N.C.Y.

10:26 Everyone has pottied, I have keys, pull ups and a wallet.  Kids are getting buckled.

Proceed to run errands, Post Office, UPS drop off, garbage place where Miss E crys that she will miss our broken television and says that she hopes we will get to see it again.

11:26 Arrive at my moms house to deal with my boxes and pick up her things to go to St Vinnie's.

11:27 Kids are arguing, I tell them to play in the road for a while.  Thankfully they don't.

11:28 Kids are HUNGRY.  Go figure, huh?

12:10 We sit down to lunch after my boxes have been unloaded and half of my mom's boxes have been loaded.  Lunch ensues.

12:30 Smiley Girl complains of poopy diaper but then decides to reenact Leonardo DiCaprio in Catch Me If You Can by running through 1800 a square foot house trying to hide from me.

12:39 Finally getting those last boxes loaded when Miss E decides that it is time to use the bathroom.

12:42 Smiley Girl decides to open cabinet at the end of Ana's hallway, pulls entire cabinet over on herself.  Thankfully it is empty.

12:45 Boxes are packed, kids are in car but fighting.  We return home so that I can change my shirt.  Afterall, you can't take dusty boxes to St Vinnies in a filthy shirt, right?  Mom calls to say that the box on the bottom of the car isn't for St Vinnies.

Dig box out.  Add another box that I forgot this morning.  Drive.

Smiley Girl falls asleep.

Arrive at St Vinnie's as Miss E's eyes are drooping.  Decide to drive around the block.  The SEVEN mile block.

Miss E finally asleep, I return to St Vinnie's to unload boxes

1:28 I text sister in law to see if she is home.  Must drop a coffee pot off to someone and then deliver cupcakes that Miss E and Ana made on Saturday for our cousins.

2:00  Drop coffee pot off on specified porch

2:01 Miss E wakes up telling me that she has had a LONG nap

2:02 Drop cupcakes off at cousins house

2:16 Leave cousins house intent on returning home

2:32 Arrive home after listening to Miss E yell that she NEEDS to use the potty

2:32 1/2 Miss E wakes Smiley Girl up prior to going inside to use the bathroom.  Apparently the emergency part of the problem has passed.

2:32 3/4 Smiley Girl bursts into tears.

The next hour is a blur that concludes with both children watching Miffy or Muffy or some show that keeps them quiet for a while.

3:30 Miss E would like to go see the neighbors nice dog.  I tell her to play in her room.

3:31 She returns to ask if I can get down a box of toys that is put away.

3:31 and a half - I enter their bedroom to find that a hurricane has hit land.

3:33 Miss E asks for the box again.  We begin cleaning up the room together.

3:34 Miss E asks for the box again.  We continue cleaning.

3:35 Miss E asks for the box.  Again.  We continue cleaning.

3:36 through 3:45 Miss E asks for the box every minute.  Room is not getting much cleaner.

3:45 She finally takes the hint that box isn't coming out until room is picked up.

3:46 Smiley Girl hits Miss E with a toy.

3:47 Smiley Girl hits Miss E with another toy.

3:48 Smiley Girl lands in time out

3:51 Smiley Girl hits Miss E.

3:51 Smiley Girl lands in another time out.

3:54 Miss E asks for toys.  Again.

3:56 Smiley Girl kicks Miss E.

4:00 Smiley Girl gets out of time out.  Miss E gets box of toys now that room is mostly picked up.

4:10 The bliss that has been the last ten minutes quickly ends with an argument about mixing up farm animals and nativity animals.  Surprise - the two year old doesn't know the rules for playing whatever it is that the five year old invented.

4:20 I attempt to fold laundry

4:21 I must rescue Smiley Girl off the washing machine. This includes fishing coins out of her mouth.

4:22 Smiley Girl climbs to the top of the tallest dresser in our bedroom in order to play with the change.

4:23 Smiley Girl lands in another time out

4:25 to 5:00 is a mass blur

5:00 Miss E asks to go on a walk

5:00 1/2 Miss E asks for macaroni and cheese to eat

5:01 Miss E asks me to get the pink bear down because she didn't want it put away.  I get pink bear down.  Miss E doesn't want that pink bear, she wants the stripe pink bear.  Put pink bear away, get stripe pink bear.

5:10 Rescue everything in the living room from a slow death by packaging tape.  Apparently Miss E has decided that we are moving.

5:12 Macaroni and cheese along with a glass of milk arrives at the table.

5:12 Miss E insists that she didn't ask for macaroni and cheese.

5:15 Silence and the sound of a Curious George movie are all that I hear.  There could be hope for survival today.

5:56  Someone is crying again.

6:something  I call my dad asking if he would mind running to the store for milk and lunch meat, since it has become clear that a trip to the store with these children isn't happening in my future.

6:something later  My dad arrives with said items.  Unhappy kids are now suddenly happy because Papa has arrived.

Papa asks what Smiley Girl has gotten into.

With utter exhaustion I dare to look.  Bingo.


Still within the six o'clock hour, Papa helps the girls pick up books and toys so that we can go on the walk that they have been asking for.

6:45 Walk/scooter ride.  Miss E is wearing a Cinderella dress and sparkle shoes.  Smiley Girl has on a sun dress, sensible scooter riding shoes and mascara all over her face.

7:15 Neighbor lady stops us to ask if the girls like ice cream.

Seriously?  Do cats poop in a litter box?  Hello.

7:17 Arrive home with a container of pink ice cream.  Smiley Girl hits the tub while Miss E throws a fit in the hallway because I asked her to put the sparkle shoes away.

7:25 Smiley Girl is done with her bath.  Miss E takes a shower.

7:26 Smiley Girl decides to take a shower with Miss E.

There was a brief five minute span when I thought I might try to unload and reload the dishwasher.

I must be on drugs to have such a thought.

8:00 Both girls have hair washed, pj's on and a bowl of pink ice cream

8:04 Miss E asks for more

With every part of my being I wish that I could say this is how the evening concluded. 

But at 7:59 I got a message from TDM saying that he was on his way home.  Yay!

8:05 Throw chicken and rice in the oven so that it's ready when he gets home

8:?? TDM arrives home, the girls go bat poo crazy and end up pulling Smiley Girl's mattress off of her bed.

At this point I.have.had.it.

Both girls are ordered to brush their teeth and then are sent to bed.  And before long the light bulb goes on.  The reason they went bat poo crazy when he walked in is the same reason they have been bat poo crazy all day.  They are missing daddy.

The girls are allowed to get up and talk to daddy while he eats his dinner.  And now the evening is concluding.  Cuddles with daddy all around. 

It's all going to be okay.

And tomorrow?  I'm looking forward to going to work!


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