A much more accurate description of our week

Sunday night I saw a printable on Pinterest that a mom is supposed to print in order to remind herself that each day of the summer should have a theme.  You've seen it, it's cutesy and rhymey and makes the average mom probably want to puke.  Make Something Monday, Try Something Tuesday, Take a Walk Wednesday...  I can't find it right now, but that's the jist of it.  I am not that kind of mom.

And really, who is surpised to know that about me?!

The following is probably a much better portrayal of how our weeks go!

Work Day Wednesday - one kid to the sitter, one kid to her last day of preschool and me off to work.

Threaten them Thursday - be nice or I will leave you at the babysitter f-o-r-e-v-e-r!  (Sorry KM!)

Frightening Friday - the day I threatened to buy a kennel for my two year old!  (Don't worry, I didn't, even though a friend was selling one in my price range on Facebook.)

Sugar Rush Saturday - my children helped themselves to ice cream shortly after breakfast and the day concluded with a superbly frosted Graduation cake.  And by superbly frosted I am talking about an inch of frosting on the sides of the cake.  My children loved it.

Hit a Slump Sunday - naps all around!  Followed by an accidental dunk in the lake for Smiley Girl.  (Perhaps she should have listened to her mother...  her re-telling of this event is priceless.) 

Messy Monday - Miss E and Smiley Girl made a 'recipe' in the kitchen.  I really, really wish that a) I had taken pictures of the result and b) that I share pictures of my family here in blogland. 

Ingredients:  Chili powder, black pepper, meat tenderizer and whole cloves. 
Directions:  Mix together in a cereal bowl, add a small amount of liquid (anything will do) and enjoy!

I would be lying if I didn't tell the whole story here:  I was chatting on the phone with a friend and cleaning the bathroom (sorry friends, my secret is out) while this mess was taking place.  I knew that they had the spices but didn't think that they could really get into any trouble.  Smiley Girl arrives in the bathroom with four fingers down her throat gagging.  And being the ultra cool and sympathetic mom that I am (lol) my exact words were "if you would quit cramming your fingers down your throat you would probably stop gagging!"

About that same time I caught a wiff of pepper and realized why she was making the faces and sounds that she was making.

I so WISH that I had a picture of this!

Nothing that a glass of milk couldn't fix.

Poor kid...

That brings us to today - which could be titled "Try not to trip someone Tuesday" - which is an accurate description of my thought process today.  Perhaps we will use the safer "Trip to Target Tuesday" because we have an appointment today and the Big Red Store is on the way.

What do your weeks look like?


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