Airplanes & IKEA

Written Saturday, Sept 15

As I write this I am in the backseat of Uncle Pedro’s truck, sandwiched between two beautiful sleeping girls. Uncle Pedro is my brother who lives in a western state and we have been super duper anxious to come visit him.

We’re here!

Yesterday was a travel filled day, since the big airport that we flew out of is about four hours from our house. We left later than we expected but still ended up with some time to kill before we had to be there so TDM loved on me a little by taking us to IKEA.

If you’ve never been to IKEA you need to go.


We had about an hour and a half to kill, which we did and that was mostly on the first floor. IKEA isn’t the kind of store that you spend a short amount of time in. It is a store that you ‘absorb’….I’m going to describe it as an interactive furniture museum except that you don’t have to be quiet, the whole goal is to entice you to buy the exhibits and they serve meatballs.

We didn’t have time for meatballs yesterday but we did sit on a couple of beds, play with a few toys and bought an apple corer and cool hooks for our kitchen.

Anyway, checking in at the airport and going through security went amazingly well. The airline people and the TSA seemed to be very nice to people sporting a double stroller. Though I must admit that the other flyers looked at us with something a little bit like fear. J Our flight was good, Smiley Girl slept most of the way and when Miss E got restless I pulled out the big bag of Peanut M & M’s.

Today we have a bit of a drive to Uncle Pedro’s house but it will be worth It because Aunt GG is there and they have a swimming pool across the street from their house so Miss E is pretty excited about that.


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