Dairy Queen and Jesus Loves Me

I spent some time with an old friend last night.  And by old I do mean that she is a few years older than me.  Like a whole decade...but who keeps track?  Ahem.  But I also mean old in terms of the history that we have together.  She isn't a friend I have to impress with how together my life is or how well behaved my kids are or even how clean my house is...because she has waded her way through our living room and cleared her own spot on the couch more than once.  We've been through some nitty gritty and down right unattractive times in life together and there is just no need for pretense.

As we were dining on Blizzards in DQ's backyard last night and catching up on life some of the emotions that I keep hidden on a daily basis started spilling out.  I was overcome with how inadequate I am as a mom and a wife and started spilling some of my thoughts on both subjects.

Driving home...at 38mph to prolong our visit...something I said caused her to look at me and say something like 'So the problem really is you. You can't make anyone happy.'  At first I was a little taken aback at the comment - because really, how can everything come down to me?  But then I realized that she was pointing out that it's not about me at all.  I can't make everyone happy!  I can only worry about me and where God is leading me.

As we said goodbye she wrapped her arms around me and said 'Jesus loves you and I do too.'

Those seven words and some Dairy Queen were just what I needed to hear last night.  Thanks friend!


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