New Year, Same Me

Today feels like any other day. 

It doesn't feel special in any way, probably because it's the third day straight of being at home.  Or maybe it's because it is day 1326 since I became a mom.  Or perhaps because it's a Tuesday.  Maybe because we didn't do anything particularly 'New Year'-ish last night to celebrate. 

Maybe because I am fighting a cold and just don't feel like tackling anything.  Or because it is technically a holiday so why bother?  Maybe it's because I'm frustrated that I have to go drag Smiley Girl off of the kitchen table for the fortieth time today.  Or because TDM is out in the woods cutting trees and isn't home to be lazy with me.

In reality I am okay with it feeling like any other day.  Life can't always be exciting.  Thank you Jesus for that truth!  I wouldn't be able to hold up under a continual roller coaster of crazy exciting days.  Everything gets old when it becomes your normal.

So, for today, I am just the same me - even though yesterday's calendar is out of date and 2012 is sooooo yesterday

My Facebook home page has been flooded with resolutions and wishes for the new year.  My favorite among them has been "Live with no expectations."  That is about my speed.  So often in life expectations let you down.  Other people can't live up to the standard that we set.  Finances and health let us down.  Plans change. People change.  Life changes in ways that you never expect.

No expectations.  I can do that.


I rest in the knowledge that one thing never changes.  Jesus!  Hebrews 13:8 tells us that 'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.'  I can be the same me today because as a child Jesus changed me.  I don't have to get any better than I am - I am redeemed!  I am bound for an eternity in Heaven and nothing makes me more excited.  And I will live 2013 expecting to see Him!


  1. Love this! My fav thing my mom ever told me... " expect nothing and be grateful for anything." -karla


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