Goals for 2013

Some goals for 2013 ~

Potty train Miss E ... it's been a struggle.  I am not disciplined and I am learning that this is one of the most important factors in training a human to use the potty.  I need to do better so that she can succeed.

Lose 31 pounds ... or five.  I like the Proverbs 31 woman and I want to be more like her.  And when I read between the lines I see that she is a disciplined woman who doesn't sit down to devour a box of cookies because the day isn't going well.  Or throw everything that she has accomplished because of a week that doesn't go according to plan.  Or eat every crumb in the kitchen because her three year old won't take a nap or has pooped in her big girl pants.  Again.  I would be happy with five.  Elated for 31.  We'll see what happens.  Any change is a positive one.

Make things less complicated ... for instance, this morning our house is a colossal mess.  I really have no idea where to start.  But I almost always make it worse than it is because I need to organize the kids clothing but I feel like I should put Christmas things away first.  I need to start laundry but I also need to tackle the kitchen.  And should I really take time to sort the kids clothes when I also need to to year end paperwork.  If I would just do one thing...get rid of the Christmas tree, empty the dishwasher, start a load of laundry...I would see big results but instead I sit here paralyzed because one thing hinges on another and I don't want to do the first thing.  A Facebook friend of mine calls that 'doing the next thing.'

Read more books ... and read to my kids more often.  Both of our computers have been down since before Christmas.  I borrowed a laptop from my mom so that we can have some kind of technological ability here at home but one thing that I have noticed in the last few weeks is that I am reading a lot more.  And I like it!

Ride my bike ...  I bought a great one in August and I love the way that I feel when I am riding it.  Everyone in the family has one now, except Smiley Girl, who has a rocking cool cart trailer to ride in. 

Get outside ... I always struggle with this one.  I'm a productive kind of girl.  I need to be doing something...and just hanging out outside is hard for me.  Allergies are a big factor too but God (or a pharmacuetical company) made Claritin so I just need to take it.  My girls love to be out.

Backup our computers and print more pictures ... This was one of my plans for the new year anyway, and I got burned before the new year came.  Badly.  The hard drive on my netbook is toast and there aren't any crumbs left to make a copy of.  How I wish that I had taken a few minutes to back up our pictures or even have printed a few of them.  Sometimes I look at beautiful pictures online - you know the ones - they have been photoshopped and retouched and color adjusted - and my pictures just don't look as good so I get discouraged by my pictures.  They tell the story of our life together though and I need to take care of them.

More dates with TDM ... We are averaging twice a year right now and that just isn't enough time to spend with the guy who will be around to make me crazy long after our children leave home.


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