February Favorite Things

As a child 'favorites' are big time things.  I think they are as grown ups too.  Again this month I sharing some of my favorites. 

1.  The Mom Struggling Well Podcast.  I discovered this little gem a year and a half ago when I was having a slight personal melt down.  Summer was over, we had just begun homeschooling and days just felt long.  I love Emily's sense of humor and I find that there is some small tidbit in every episode that I can apply to my situation to make the daily struggle just a little bit better. 

 2. Flour sack towels  I don't know if I can really explain why I love these things so much but I do.  I recently replaced my discolored towels and just love the feeling of pulling out a fresh white kitchen towel.  Perhaps they feed my inner nerd?  Who knows.  They are cheap and I 💗  them.

3. Tide Pods  Long before eating these puppies was a college students dream they were the latest fad in laundry detergent.  It took me a while to jump on the bandwagon but once I did I realized that they were actually saving us money!  In attempts to save money I had tried both generic and homemade detergents and was always left with either stained clothes or clothes that felt the weird way that day three jeans feel.  I always ended up returning to Tide but then was disappointed when I didn't get as many loads out of a jug as I thought I would.  Enter the genius of pre-measured Pods!

That's it for this month.  With any luck I will remember to come back again next month to share a few more of my favorite things.  Or I might forget.  You just never know.  Anyway, the details:  I receive no compensation any of these items.  They are just things that I have found to make my life easier and that I want to share with you.  If you feel compelled to compensate me though...feel free!  :) 


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