Love wins.

My husband disagrees with me on television but this morning, I am very happy that we don't have network television in our home.  I am happy that our little home is one not filled with images and celebrations of the gay community.

I don't hate gay people.  But I don't believe that their 'win' is really as great of a win as they would like to believe.

And I don't want my young daughters seeing women marrying women because the supreme court said that it's okay.  They will see it - don't get me wrong - but they don't have to have it streamed to them twelve hours a day.

Because here is the thing:  Whether a man and a man can legally get married or a woman and a woman can be on the same health insurance policy or not = God' Truth doesn't change.

God still sits on the Throne and He still makes the rules.  And in the end, His love is the one that wins.

But in the mean time the world is going to do everything that it possibly can to try to destroy Truth.  The world doesn't understand that Truth doesn't change.  And it can't be destroyed.

It is, and He is, the great I Am.  Period.

So, legally, in America a woman can marry a woman.  And a man who still is a man but altered himself into a woman can marry a woman or a man.  It's legal.

But it really isn't so simple.

Yes, yes, I know, those who are so much more knowledgeable and educated than me will use mountains of ginormous words designed to confuse the argument and make me sound like a stupid snively woman that allows God to ruin my fun.  They will 'prove' that I am brainwashed into believing in a God that they know doesn't exist.  They know all about this God that they have never cared to have a relationship with.  Good for them.

America has begun a slippery day the choice facing the court will be more personal.  It will affect the individual American with greater impact.  And the precedent has been set.  The moral code is gone.  The rights of an individual state have been stripped.  And it isn't going to be pretty.

And I know, I know... that will never happen.  Except that one hundred years ago people would have thought the debate on abortion ridiculous because of course human life is precious.  And fifty years ago our parents never would have thought about marriage being redefined.

But the bigger thing isn't about rights in America.  The bigger thing is that one day everyone will stand before the Lord and they will be judged.  I don't matter.  Your neighbor doesn't matter.  The state you live in doesn't matter.  But God does.  And He will deal severely with those who have mocked him.

So, mock away.  Tell me how horrible I am that I have such antiquated beliefs.  Tell me how ridiculous I am to want to protect my children by surrounding them with God's truth rather than the world's ridicule of it.  Take the symbol of God's Promise and destroy it.

Love wins.  God wins.

The God that created you, the same one that spoke the earth into being, also has a plan for you.  He wants to know you intimately and to have a relationship with you.  He doesn't want you to spend the next life in the fiery pits of hell.  He wants to spend it with you.  And He sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to make that possible.

If you want to know more about God's ultimate Love - the love that wins - reach out to me.  I would love to talk more with you about Him.  Find a Bible or the Bible app on your phone and start with the book of John.

True Love wins.


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