
I haven't spent much time blogging lately.  There are a couple of reasons for that.  One - I seem to have morphed into the cliché Mom Taxi since school began.   I am okay with that, it has done tremendous things for establishing a routine around our house and my kid loves, loves, loves school!  The second reason is that I haven't felt very inspired.  I mean, I have tons of thought rolling around in my head on any given day, but I would wager that 99% of them have either been written about already or really don't need to find their way to my keyboard and your eyeballs. 

Anyway, I am currently wrapping up my third week of having at least one sick kid at home.  Smiley Girl was sick for a week, better for a weekend, sick for a week, better for a weekend plus a few days and is down again.  Miss E has been great, maybe a few sniffles but when I picked her up from school on Wednesday I knew something wasn't right and it turned out that my mommy-gut was spot on.  TDM is currently on a twelve a day antibiotic/antihistamine/steroid routine (that could be an exaggeration but I don't think so.)  And I was down for a day last week but have otherwise managed to stay healthy.  I think it is purely because Jesus knows that SOMEONE in this house has to function at 100%.

Yesterday in the midst of naptime and cuddles I started reading a blog that I haven't read for a while and found myself really enjoying myself.  The blog is Like Mother Like Daughter.  Grab a cup of whatever gets you going or a can of Diet Dr Pepper and go enjoy yourself.  The family are from a Catholic and I must admit that I don't get the Rosary and all of that stuff since I am coming from a Baptist background.  But then I am pretty sure that they don't get salvation by faith alone.  And guess what?  It's OKAY!

Because if I only ever agreed with Daddy Duck Dynasty on one thing (which I don't, I agree with him on lots of things) it would be this:

"Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate."

I think I just got off track.  Oh wait, the point I was trying to make here is that reading the blog of a catholic family doesn't mean that I am converting or need to or that my belief will be compromised.  It means that, for the most part, these ladies have some great stuff to share and I enjoy reading their stuff.

Anyway, I really love the pieces that are filed under "Building the Culture" but there are quite a few gems hidden away within their pages that I enjoy and have been encouraged by.  One of the posts that I read yesterday talked about having a reasonably clean home and I appreciate that the author pointed out two things that are so incredibly simple that I could never, ever manage to actually put them into words.  Are you ready?!

Do you know what's for dinner?  Is your laundry under control?

Mama's take note!  Because, BAZINGA!  There it is.  The whole secret to having a pretty much under control house.  If your husband can get dressed for work without running around like a chicken with his head cut off, if you children can concoct some type of outfit that matches their flair and no one is walking around with the Hangry's (that's Hungry and Angry for anyone that has never heard of this phenomenon) your day is going to flow a fair amount easier.

Anyway, that's about all that I have for now, but I would like it to be documented that it is 10:15 on a Friday morning.  I have one load of laundry folded, one load in the dryer and one in the washer.  And I know what dinner will be.  I also have a puking kid, one with a yellow thermometer and a baby shower that I have been planning but won't be able to attend.

Welcome to my life!


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