Definitions of Naptime

Miss E's definition of Naptime:  Two or more hour block of time in which Miss E remains mostly in her bedroom.  Activities include but are not limited to: Reading books, talking to dolls and stuffed animals, singing along to her ABC cd, trying on every item of clothing she owns, thinking up excuses to get her out of the bedroom.  This occasionally involves sleeping.

Mom's definition of Naptime: Two or more hour struggle to get Miss E to fall asleep, made difficult by the fact that Smiley Girl thinks she should help Miss E take that 'nap'.  For a successful naptime, all stars must align, I must cross my fingers, toes and five strands of hair from the left side of my head as well as do a 'nap' dance - which is kind of like a snow dance but the intent is to induce sleep rather than snow.  When naptime is successful I am one happy girl.  When naptime happens for both girls at the same time I am ECSTATIC! 

Today I am frustrated and honestly, a little irritated that we have to go through this e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y.  It's almost like a scripted scene in which we all know our parts and we must go through each part before reaching the end result.  And I feel guilty for feeling this way.  After all, in the wake of the recent school shooting there are a number of parents would would love to be having this struggle because it would mean that their child is still living.  How selfish am I that I want a couple of hours of quiet? 

I can't help but think that I am not the only mom who feels this way.  The monotony of motherhood can be overwhelming at times.  I want to scream 'Just go to sleep already!' and many times I admit that I have. 

I can't today.  Instead I sit writing this with the computer on my lap, listening to the sound of my girls playing together and thanking my heavenly Father that I am not the parent who no longer has that noise in their hallway.  I am blessed - even on days that don't involve much sleep.


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