The Orchestrator of Juggling

There is a verse toward the end of Psalm that refers to God holding us in the palm of his hand.  I feel like that is where I am right now, except that I feel like a lot of time God is using his other hand to keep my mouth shut.  Go God!

The day to day life that TDM and I are living right now is not one that I had really planned for, but here we are, living it daily and I am feeling peaceful about it.  A God-given peace that surpasses my understanding and certainly lots of other people, because they can’t really figure out what is making this work for us right now either!
So, what is so different you ask?

Four weeks ago, TDM was all set to leave for a run to Florida when his broker called and said ‘I’m sick, don’t come this week.’  One week later, TDM got a second call ‘I’m not able to work.  Can we take a break until I am feeling better?’  That phone call was three weeks ago.

And, just like that, we were left with no income for the coming weeks, (months?) which we had kind of prepared for, because there is always a break between last year’s hay and this year’s hay and we had been tossing around the idea of TDM getting out of trucking all together anyway.  But in ‘our’ plan, we had another two loads and another two backhauls, which meant a bit more money to live on during the ‘break’. 

Instead, we are living on an out-of-our-control ‘break’ that may turn into a permanent one.  We have a 17 year old truck and two trailers – one in Florida, one in Michigan.  And thankfully, God saw fit to provide loads in the past months as well as a tax refund that are helping to carry us through.
So, TDM has become Mr Mom and I have headed back to work full time.  It’s interesting at our house.  Yesterday the girls had a whole bunch of fun with a box of pancake mix.  But so far it is working.  I am able to concentrate at work without the worry of working around a babysitter’s schedule.  My girls are the best place they can possibly be – home with daddy.
God is orchestrating, and holding us in the palm of His hand.  And I’m okay with that, even though there are days when I might like to speed things along or devise a different plan.

We were able to sit down with the folks at Camp Barakel several weeks ago and were given an answer of ‘not now’.  I do not know what our future holds but I know that both of our hearts are being drawn toward Barakel and away from other areas of ministry right now. 
Things might look entirely different at our house two weeks or even a month from now.  For now, this is where we are.  If you feel like I have dropped off the face of the earth, rest assured that I haven’t, I’m just busy with this next season of life.  We are both on a kind of learning curve, me in trying to get out the door early enough in the day to be productive while leaving tons of housekeeping things undone at home, TDM as he learns the delicate balance of getting anything done at home with four curious hands constantly under foot.  I’m sure we will look more efficient at the juggling act in a week or two.  J

Won’t you pray for us as we continue to seek God’s plan in all of this craziness? 


  1. oh I will be praying friend!! And maybe I'll try and call you this next week. Praying for God to continue to show you that next step!


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